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Do I Need a Divorce Attorney?

June 7, 2023

If you're going through a divorce, you need a divorce attorney to help you navigate the process as expeditiously as possible. A lawyer will help you through child support, child custody, and assets division, among other issues that may crop up during the process. Among other things, you'll need a divorce attorney to help with the following:

Achieve a Consensus

At this point, you may not see eye to eye with your estranged partner. Reaching an agreement that all are happy with can be a challenge. Luckily, this is where a divorce attorney comes in. They can guide both parties toward a middle ground and help them reach an agreement quickly.

Understand Your Entitlements

Chances are you aren't fully aware of what you're entitled to under the prevailing state laws. Your divorce attorney will educate you about your rights and entitlements so that you don't cede ground unnecessarily. If your spouse's lawyer is pushing you to accept a deal you aren't comfortable with, your attorney will advise you to hold your ground until both parties reach an amicable agreement. They'll help you appraise the situation and guide you toward a mutual understanding.

Keep Track of Crucial Legal Documents

There are some legal documents without which your divorce can't be finalized. You must complete these and submit them to the local court for approval. Without these critical documents, you risk having your divorce denied, which unnecessarily prolongs the process. A divorce attorney will take you through each form, helping you fill them out in a way that allows the process to go smoothly.

Help With Child Custody Agreements

If children are involved in a divorce proceeding, the question of who lives with them and who takes care of what responsibilities must be addressed and resolved. It's crucial to work out a parental responsibility agreement that's acceptable to both parties. Having a divorce attorney to guide you through this process is critical.

Incidences of divorce are rampant in the U.S., with the current rate standing at 2.3 people for every 1,000, according to the CDC. Going through a marriage breakup is not easy, but a divorce attorney, being a neutral party, can help the two sides come to an agreement that works for all. If you're in need of a reliable attorney to assist you with the divorce process, contact Dwyer & Knight Law Firm today.

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